A Controlled Study of EEG Neurofeedback and Physical Therapy With Pediatric Stroke, Age Seven Months to Age Fifteen, Occurring Prior to Birth by Ayers M
Recent literature published on strokes in people under age fifty has dealt with hypertension, smoking, drugs, viral infection, patent foramen ovale, and antiphospholipid antibody increase. However, there is no body of literature on origin or treatment for pediatric stroke where there is no drug use by mother, hyperten-sion, or viral infection.READ FULL TEXT
EEG Biofeedback on a Female Stroke Patient with Depression: A Case Study (abs. pg.5) by Putman J M.A. M.S.
This single case concerns the treatment of a 71- year-old female stroke patient. The patient’s MRI revealed that the location of the stroke was in the right side basal ganglia with damage extending into the anterior limb of the internal capsule. She presented with a virtual paralysis of the left side of her body (hemiplegia with immobilized left arm, contracted fist, minimal motor control over left leg, absence of muscle tonus in left side of face and slurred, monotonic speech) READ FULL TEXT (PDF)
Hostility Following Right CVA: Support for Right Orbital Frontal Deactivation and Right Temporal Activation by Everhart DE M.S. and Harrison DW Ph.D.
There is consensus among researchers that the right versus left cerebral hemisphere is specialized for the experience of negative emotion. There is currently a need for research which specifically investigates cortical theories of hostility. Topographical brain mapping and QEEG techniques were used to test hypotheses of concurrent decreased activation of the right orbital-frontal region and increased activation of the right temporal region during the experience of hostility. The patient was a 44-year old, right-handed female with status-post right CVA, left hemiparesis, and feelings of hostility and suspiciousness toward others. READ FULL TEXT (PDF)
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